Stephen Hsu Introduction
Stephen Hsu, the Chairman of Taiwan Israel Chamber of Commerce, is a legendary leader in the areas of Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing and medical device. Since 1990’s, Chairman Hsu has been a pioneer to build the long term partnership with Israeli entrepreneurs, now turn into worldwide leading brands in many cutting-edge fields such as Medical device, 5G Telecom/Datacom equipment, and Autonomous driving solutions.
Stephen Hsu is also the Chairman & Founder at Nextronics Engineering Corp, a Taiwan listed company with 36 years history providing interconnection solutions/products to global top-tier customers in the fields of medical, aerospace, transportation, industrial, and communication.Furthermore, he was the Founding Chairman of Taiwan Electronic Connection Association (TECA). TECA is a major connector/cable industrial association in Taiwan, with more than 150 members and its annual sales total US$6 billion. With Chairman Hsu’s 40 years experience and connections in the electronic industry, he is committed to building a bridge of high-tech talents between Taiwan and Israel, creating countless business opportunities for both countries in various fields.
台以商會理事長 徐季麟先生 簡介
徐季麟先生,台灣以色列商業文化促進會理事長,是台灣電子製造和醫療器械領域的傳奇領袖。自 1990 年代以來,徐理事長是少數長期經營以色列的台灣企業領袖先驅,與許多以色列企業家建立長期合作夥伴關係,多家企業如今已成為醫療器材、 5G 資訊設備、自駕車等多項先進領域的全球領先品牌。
徐季麟先生也是正淩精密工業股份有限公司 ( Nextronics Engineering Corp ) 的董事長兼創 始人。該公司是一家擁有 36 年歷史的台灣上市公司,為全球頂級的醫療、航空、交通、工 業和通信領域客戶提供互連解決方案/產品。他同時還是台灣電子連接協會(TECA)的創會 理事長。 TECA 是台灣最主要的連接器/電纜行業協會,擁有 150 多個會員,總和年銷售額 總計 60 億美元。憑藉徐董事長 40 年的電子行業經驗和人脈,徐董事長致力於架起台以兩國高科技人才的橋樑,為兩國在各個領域創造無數商機。