敬邀您報名參加線上 研討會,報名連結如下。
We look forward to seeing you soon by Webinar on Nov. 15th!
【主題】Cybersecurity - 新世代資安防線與管理策略
【報名時間】2024/10/30 ~ 2024/11/14
【活動日期】2024 年 11月 15 日(星期五)
【活動時間】10:00~11:30 AM (台北時間)
台以商會非常榮幸邀請逢甲大學資工系助理教授 / 三甲科技營運總監魏國瑞先生、AsiatechConsulting Services, Inc.執行長Mr. Bill Hicks、Asiatech Consulting Services, Inc. 技術經理 Mr. Orion C. Torrents,以上3位講員具備豐富的專業與實務經驗,11 月 15 日 (星期五)上午 10:00 由台以商會温峻瑜秘書長 / 艾德斯科技股份有限公司董事長兼創始人主持,在線上分享網路攻擊防禦的最新資訊與經驗。難得的機會,敬邀大家加入研討會,探討新世代資安技術的發展,提升企業資訊管理的防禦力。
~ TICC 2024 Webinar on Nov. 15th~
【Theme】Cybersecurity -
New Generation Information Security Defense Line & Management Strategies
【Registration Time】2024/10/30 ~ 2024/11/14
【Date】Friday, Nov. 15th 2024
【Time】10:00~11:30 AM (Online Open @9:45AM)
【Register now by Zoom Link 】
TICC is very honored to invite Mr. Ray Wei, COO of AAA Security Technology / Assistant Professor of Feng Chia University - I.ECS, Mr. Bill Hicks, CEO of AsiatechConsulting Services, Inc., and Mr. Orion C. Torrents, Technical Manager of Asiatech Consulting Services, Inc.The above three speakers all have rich professional and practical experience. The webinar will be hosted by Edward Wen, Secretary General of TICC / Chairman and Founder of ADAS Mobile Tech at 10:00 AM on Nov.15th (Friday). This is a great opportunity, and we invite you to join our webinar to discuss the development of new generation information security technology and enhance the defense capabilities of enterprise information management.