Chamber of Commerce
Your best partner for connecting Taiwan & Israel.
成立緣起, Origin of Establishment
為了增進兩國的經貿、觀光、教育、科技等各方面的交流, 2010年7月在台、以雙方的熱心人士包括本土企業家周效遠、陳建信及蔡東偉先生與駐台北以色列經濟文化辦事處(ISECO)前任代表甘若飛(Raphael Gamzou)的積極推動下成立了「台灣以色列商業文化促進會」(簡稱TICC,台以商會) 。
Taiwan Israel Chamber of Commerce (TICC) was founded in July 2010 for increasing the links with Taiwan and Israel in the fields of economic and trade, tourism, education, and technology. The founders of TICC include many motivated Taiwan and Israeli entrepreneurs: Joseph Chou, James Chen, Peter Chai and the former representative of Israel Economic & Cultural Office in Taipei (ISECO): Raphael Gamzou.
The main purpose of establishing TICC is to give blessings to Israel. Through the platform of TICC, we wish to bring a big win-win situation in both Taiwan and Israel by combining Israeli innovation with Taiwan’s technology. Moreover, we can reach information exchange in both trade markets and combine the strength of manufacturers to promote business links with Israel.
關於我們, About Us
台灣以色列商業文化促進會為一非營利組織,其宗旨在促進台以雙邊經貿、科技、文化、教育及觀光交流合作。創會會員包含: 中華民國對外貿易發展協會、駐台北以色列經濟文化辦事處等, 本會設有理監事12人及顧問6人,現任理事長是正凌精密工業股份有限公司徐季麟董事長。
Taiwan Israel Chamber of Commerce (TICC) is a non-profit organization that is aimed at promoting links and collaboration between Israel and Taiwan in the fields of trading, technology, culture, education and tourism. TICC has 12 board members and 6 consultants. The founding members include Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), and Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (ISECO). Current Chairman is Mr. Stephen Hsu, Chairman of Nextronics Engineering Corp.
我們的目標, Our Goal
Provide an interactive platform of exchange for technology, business cooperation and cultural promotion between Taiwan and Israel.
我們的服務項目, The Items of Our Service
– 緊密連結台、以兩國官方單位或民間商業,並建立良好互動關係。
– 定期提供以色列商機資訊給會員及國內企業廠商。
– 舉辦以色列商務及文化相關研討會及會議
– 協助個別廠商查詢以色列公司資訊及安排個別會議。
– 定期提供以色列創新科技資訊或以色列相關商展活動訊息給會員及國內廠商。
– 組團到以色列參展、看展或參加國際會議,參訪以色列企業和個別廠商會議。
Establish close interaction and connection with Taiwanese and Israeli embassies, commercial counselors and economic organizations.
Provide Israel business offers and opportunities to our members and local companies.
Organize seminars and conferences on various fields concerning business and culture.
Provide data and consultation to local companies regarding information on Israeli
companies and assist on arranging individual meetings.
Provide updated Israel news and information regarding innovation technology,
economic, fairs and exhibition to our members on a regular basis.
Organize business delegations to participate in exhibitions or international conferences
in Israel as well as arranging tours to Israel start-up companies, industrial sites, and B2B meetings.
以色列參訪, Israel Delegation
Arrange diverse tours of technological and cultural delegations to Israel, such as biomedicine, agriculture, water technology, and innovation. We also specially design customized tours for companies or organizations to visit Israel.
商務平台, Biz Platform
Well connected with Federation of Israel Chamber of Commerce, Export Institute, and other organizations, TICC is operating a Biz Platform. Continuously provide real time Israel commercial intelligent and business opportunities.
企業交流, Biz Networking
TICC has many connections with the companies of the two countries, holding technical forums and seminars with different themes from time to time to enhance the links between companies
文化教育交流, Cultural and Educational Exchange
Education in Israel is well-known internationally, and culture and education are the foundation of its development. TICC has close ties with the academic fields of the two countries and has been developing in parallel with business communication.
諮詢服務, Consultant
Welcome to call or email us regards the information of business collaboration between Taiwan and Israel.
兩國政府商會連結, Links btw Taiwan and Israel Gov. and Chambers
TICC keeps good partnerships / friendships with Israel Economic & Cultural Office in Taipei (ISECO), Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC). We help business companies link the political and commercial resources of two countries in Taiwan and Israel.

2F., No. 31, Ln. 169, Kangning St., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.
Email: ticc101@gmail.com
Tel: +886 2 8773 0112
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: