The first "Technion Alumni in Taiwan Reunion" was held at the TXI Center in Taipei on August 28, and the scene was filled with great overjoyed and inspired. Mr. Stephen Hsu, Chairman of Taiwan-Israel Chamber of Commerce, also the Chairman & Founder at Nextronics Engineering Corp. felt very honored to be invited to attend this grand event. Chairman Hsu interacted with the Technion outstanding alumni at the reunion; he also shared his personal experience in business cooperation with Israel over the years. He strongly supports the "Technion" for it fully implements the concept of Israel's "Tikkun Olam" ~ the spirit of making the world a better place!
Best wishes to the representative of the Technion in Taiwan, Mrs. Meital Margulis Lin, also one of the directors of the Taiwan-Israel Chamber of Commerce, the seeds of hope sown by her would reap a hundredfold. We hope that the fields of Culture and Education between Taiwan and Israel can interact and exchange more closely and deeply, and then both of us create a prosperous future together!!!

第一屆「以色列理工學院校友會」在8月28日於台北TXI Center 舉辦,現場洋溢著歡欣鼓舞的氣氛。台以商會徐季麟理事長,也是正淩精密股份有限公司的董事長,感到十分榮幸能受邀出席此一盛會。徐理事長在會中與優秀傑出的校友們互相的交流;也分享個人多年來與以色列經商合作的經驗。他大力支持「以色列理工學院」充份實踐了以色列「Tikkun Olam」的理念~讓世界更美好的精神!
